My kitten is why I’m always late for things
Initial plan of action:
2 min readJan 27, 2016
- Take socks out of cupboard.
- Put on socks.
- Take boots out of cupboard.
- Put on boots.
- Do up boot laces.
- Go to work.
Estimated time: 2 minutes
- Take socks out of cupboard.
- Fend off opening parry against socks.
- Give up socks as a lost cause. Decide socks shall now be Decoy Socks. Sorry socks, some troops will need to be sacrificed.
- Sneak second pair of socks out of cupboard whilst distracting kitten with Decoy Socks.
- Realise the mistake of selecting a bright pair of socks for Second Pair of Socks (SPOS), which are now more interesting than Decoy Socks.
- Carefully pull first of the SPOS onto feet, maintaining eye contact with kitten. Do not blink, kitten will know you are afraid.
- Kitten has now managed to get his claw stuck inside of SPOS, which is also inside the skin of your right foot. Ow.
- Help kitten remove claw from foot and SPOS, ignoring recriminating look and telling him he deserves this.
- To preserve dignity, kitten now feigns interest in Decoy Socks. Use this crucial moment to start pulling left sock onto foot.
- Nope. Kitten now interested in SPOS again.
- Abandon left SPOS to kitten as a casualty of war. Whilst thus distracted, unbundle one Decoy Sock and pull onto foot. Now have mismatched socks.
- Realise kitten is an asshole.
- Pull boots onto feet.
- Boots have laces.
- Fuck.
- Tie laces, somehow, with kitten firmly attached to them. Accidentally tie his foot into laces. Kitten hisses at you and runs into the other room because clearly you are a monster.
- Re-tie laces.
- Feel moment of victory.
- Investigate suspicious quiet from other room.
- Jesus. I’ll clean this later.
- Go to work.
Actual time: 25 minutes