2016 Volunteers: Applications Now Open

Sam Beckbessinger
2 min readSep 28, 2015


Have you ever wanted to make a difference? Ever felt like you’re made for more than a life of polo lunches and yoga in the park? Has diazepam and gin time been creeping from 2pm closer to 10am? Now’s your chance to make an impact amongst the people who need your special skill set the most.

Every day, millions of people around the world grow up in countries with no access to basic amenities like artisanal cheese, matching scatter cushions or family-sized SUVs. Just because they’re poor doesn’t mean they should have to endure the indignities of plastic-sole sandals. These people have suffered enough.

Welcome to Socialites Sans Frontiers. You’ve been training for this your whole life.

Thank you http://humanitariansoftinder.com/ for the photo :)

What an Average Day Might Look Like

  • Run a workshop amongst Syrian women teaching them to throw a successful tennis party. The weather in Syria is always perfect, except for the occasional sand-storm or falling barrel bombs.
  • Manage the local school luncheon service in a small village in Eritrea, introducing specialised cutlery, full place settings and centrepieces. Note that lunch itself consists of rice and canned meat provided by our sister UN Food Aid programme and the food is served under a couple of mangrove trees off a single rickety fold-out table. You’ll need to use all of your trademark creativity!
  • Work with local seamstresses in Cote D’Ivoire to improve their colour choices for summer dresses. They tend to go in for extremely bright primary colours out there. Terribly gauche. At least they already speak French.
  • Teach the cello at a community centre in Tajikistan. We are still waiting for delivery of cellos from Oxfam. In the meantime, you may wish to improvise by teaching drumming on rusted tank parts.
  • Start a book club in Haiti. Most Haitians are illiterate, so this assignment may be a little challenging.
  • Run an introductory programme to the Paleo Diet in Malawi. Our volunteers have been very impressed with the take-up of the diet throughout the region. We consider it one of our most successful interventions to date.

How to Apply

Complete the application form attached, and submit with:

  • Four photographs: a standard headshot, one in black tie, one in a casual summer party dress, and one outfit co-ordinated family photo.
  • A curriculum vitae listing previous travel experience, charity involvement and relevant skills.
  • A letter signed by your personal trainer/pilates instructor/life coach asserting that you will be able to outrun an angry mob if necessary (we require this for insurance purposes).
  • A letter of permission from your husband.

Please send all supporting documents and a completed application form to Mrs. Margery Mimbly at rsvp@socialitessansfrontiers.com by the 19th of August. No late applications will be accepted.



Sam Beckbessinger
Sam Beckbessinger

Written by Sam Beckbessinger

Sam writes weird horror stories and kids’ tv shows, and helps people learn how to adult better (she’s still figuring it out herself).

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